Thursday, September 8, 2011

Turkish Vans

I can not seem to find a very good pic. of one but here is a  pic. of one.I would appreciate any comments from you. Also to see all my posts, they are all on the right side.


  1. Hi Brittany!
    I posted a picture of a Turkish Van's face just for you.

  2. I'd also like you to know this in case it offended you. The R.H.D. character Brittany Sweet was NOT inspired by you.
    You see, a girl named Brittany used to live in my neighborhood. She whispered behind my back and was mean to me. That is where my Brittany Sweet character originated.

    I think very highly of you, and think that you are a very nice person and a good BFF. :D

    You are my friend forever. And know this: I never leave a friend. :)
